Super Jump
World Association of Intellect-Trainers Super Jump
World Association of Intellect-Trainers Super Jump
is a community of progressive, smart, and conscious people who are united with the aim of achieving the most important goals for all of humanity:

We want to stop the destruction of the natural environment and save the future of our children and grandchildren by teaching everyone to be better people and by developing self-consciousness and wisdom during our Intellect-training classes.

We believe that the main reason for the destruction of forests across the globe, the ever-rising CO2 emissions and the pollution of the oceans are due to the unconsciousness and the ignorance of people. It has been proven that Intellect-trainings Super Jump can, only in just a few months, effectively free a person from his matrix of ignorance and feelings of anger. In the coming years, intellect training will raise humanity to a new intellectual and moral level, which will help to prevent the destruction of the natural environment of our only home in the entire universe, which must be carefully preserved to be passed on to our children and grandchildren.


Help millions of people who have lost their meaning of life, who suffer from loneliness a lack of energy to accomplish anything.

Our intellect trainers cannot cure people of depression and other mental illnesses, but they can train them to become more energetic, cheerful, and competitive beings.


Help billions of adults to adapt to all the challenges and the difficulties that they must face every day in this fast-paced and ever-changing world.

Today, about 70% of adults around the world are lagging behind new developments that are happening every single day. For this reason, they become uncompetitive at work and in their daily life, losing important jobs and business opportunities. We, Intellect-trainers, have proved in practice that through Super Jump we can teach adults to learn new skills and develop their mind in a new way. Our Intellect-clubs will help them to become inquisitive students once again and to live a more enriching and interesting life.

Become Part of Our Community
Choose between these two plans to participate in our Association. You can become an online student in the Super Jump Intellect-club or become an Intellect-trainer and educate other people.
Our Short-Term Goals

— Train a million enthusiasts to become Intellect-trainers.

Create a million Intellect-clubs around the world where people can meet, discuss ideas, support each other, develop positive thinking, do intellectual exercises to improve their well-being, and receive daily support from Intellect-trainers.

By creating the first million of Intellect-trainers, we will launch a new global trend, a new fashion for the intellectual, emotional and energy of mankind. We will turn the attention of people away from the destructive idea of the consumer society (buy more goods, save more money) and will replace it with the notion of lifetime self-development and a commitment to philanthropy. Intellect-trainers have proven in practice that they can enjoy the rewards of the daily development of their personality – one of the most powerful and useful tools and a great source of inspiration.

Super Jump
Core Values
Of The World Association Of Intellect-Trainers SUPER JUMP

We are the friendliest international family of Intellect-trainers. We are united and inspired by the most ambitious goals: to stop the destruction of nature; to save the future of our children and grandchildren; and to help millions of people to achieve their personal goals. We will build the number 1 company in the world in terms of value, utility and respect.


Intellect-clubs Super Jump are everlasting, because Super Jump is all about lifetime self-development and creating a new version of yourself every single day. Intellect-club is a constantly evolving team of friends and like-minded people. We help each other to grow and to develop. We support, value and respect each other deeply. Progressing and learning with others, as part of a team, is easier and a more interesting experience, after all.


We never discuss politics and religion during our Intellect-trainings. We bring together progressive people from all over the world who are inspired by our big, bright and creative goals. We understand that only by uniting together we can make the world a better place.

Our Product

Our world’s first online gymnastics for the mind can help to develop the positive energy of a person and increase their level of happiness. Super Jump is based on a series of 8 exercises that are the best to improve self-development.

A person charges himself with positive energy with Super Jump every day just like he charges his mobile phone to make it function well. The entire system and all the exercises will be described to you by your personal Intellect-trainer during the intellect-trainings.

Super Jump
What We Do?
We help people to restore their constant lack of energy, overcome fatigue, apathy, and a lack of meaning in their own life.
Super Jump
Welcome to the Association If...
Super Jump
You care about the environment and the future of our planet
Super Jump
You have children and grandchildren and you consider it your personal duty to give them a bright future, instead of a dead planet
Super Jump
You love self-development and to learn new things
Super Jump
You feel that you were born into this world with a greater purpose to fulfil
Super Jump
You are looking for a stimulating, positive, and ever-growing environment
Super Jump
You are looking for new business opportunities
Super Jump
You want to help people and give back to society
Super Jump
You want to become a bright and strong leader
Super Jump
You are tired of crawling on the ground and you dream of reaching the stars
Super Jump
You want your name to mean something in human history
Роберт РА Набиуллин
Роберт РА Набиуллин
Елабуга, Россия
Артем и Ольга Яровые
Артем и Ольга Яровые
Москва, Россия
Егор Белозеров
Егор Белозеров
Армавир, Россия
Марина Самсонова
Марина Самсонова
Лос-Анджелес, США
Саруул Ихбаяр
Саруул Ихбаяр
Улан-Батор, Монголия
Вера Макаренко
Вера Макаренко
Ялта, Крым
Расул Зулкашев
Расул Зулкашев
Костанай, Казахстан
Наталья Ветрова
Наталья Ветрова
Шахты, Ростовская область, Россия
Наталья Семёнова
Наталья Семёнова
Томск, Россия
Алексей Квашнин
Алексей Квашнин
Москва, Россия
Александр Назаров
Александр Назаров
Сочи, Россия
Ирина Кожевникова
Ирина Кожевникова
Таллин, Эстония
Евгений и Наталья Ивашко
Евгений и Наталья Ивашко
Сочи, Россия
Раиса Климова
Раиса Климова
Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
Олег и Надежда Раздобудкины
Олег и Надежда Раздобудкины
Иркутск, Россия
Олег Бичурин
Олег Бичурин
Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Александр Толмачев
Александр Толмачев
Мирный, Россия
Николай Паламарчук
Николай Паламарчук
Киев, Украина
Карлыгаш Тоштыбаева
Карлыгаш Тоштыбаева
Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
Миргул Мамытова
Миргул Мамытова
Бишкек, Кыргызстан
Алексей Лысков
Алексей Лысков
Аланья, Турция
Гульжана Коштыбаева
Гульжана Коштыбаева
Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
Ассель Сырдыбаева
Ассель Сырдыбаева
Бишкек, Кыргызстан
Сарият Демирбекова
Сарият Демирбекова
Махачкала, Россия
Ульяна Колоздейчак
Я генерирую счастье!
Ульяна Колоздейчак
Амина Хакбердиева
Благодаря Super Jump, я написала книгу в 16 лет!
Амина Хакбердиева
Ольга Пестрякова
Я нашла тот баланс в жизни, который долго искала
Ольга Пестрякова
Наталья Гудкова
Преодолела послеродовую депрессию
Наталья Гудкова
Хуршида Хакбердиева
Super Jump - моя вторая семья!
Хуршида Хакбердиева
Наталья Бронникова
Super Jump помогает мне раскрыться, идти дальше
Наталья Бронникова
Елена Бурносова
Такие простые упражнения могут делать невероятные чудеса!
Елена Бурносова
Елена Скворцова
Я начала, наконец-то, жить, а не существовать!
Елена Скворцова
Андрей Ачкасов
Я понял, что я - генератор счастья!
Андрей Ачкасов
Гульназ Мухтарова
Мне хочется помогать людям!
Гульназ Мухтарова
Спартак Диво
Жизнь начала набирать обороты, благодаря Super Jump!
Спартак Диво
Александра Гончарова
В Super Jump я ощутила дух команды!
Александра Гончарова
Эльвира Халиулина
В моей жизни случилось счастье! я познакомилась с Super Jump!
Эльвира Халиулина
Сергей Карпов
Всё просто! Всё работает!
Сергей Карпов
Татьяна Морозова
Я научилась дарить любовь и радость семье!
Татьяна Морозова
Александр Блок
Упражнения и наставник помогли мне в жизни и в бизнесе
Александр Блок
Светлана Торосян
Super Jump - это глоток свежего воздуха!
Светлана Торосян
Эльвира Василенко
Меня как будто перекинули на другую орбиту в плане общения
Эльвира Василенко
Марита Жамбекова
Мы владеем таким инструментом, которым нужно делиться каждую секунду!
Марита Жамбекова
Ирина Элмасдере
Я рада, что у меня есть возможность идти по пути самосовершенствования
Ирина Элмасдере
Светлана Плошко
Теперь в семье совсем другая атмосфера!
Светлана Плошко
Екатерина Фёдорова
После прохождения курса у меня поднялись продажи
Екатерина Фёдорова
Виктория Пак
Гениальность в простоте!
Виктория Пак
Гульнара Айтимова
Я стала по-другому мыслить, мечтать и относиться к людям
Гульнара Айтимова